• Chronos Astrology

    The kind of Astrology that I offer is very much based on identifying the phases of life that you are going through.

  • Chronos Astrology Research

  • Time (Chronos)

    In Astrology time is measured in cycles unlike the conventional linear time that we are used to in our everyday lives.

    From the longest cycles of Pluto to the shortest cycles of the Moon, astrological time is measured by the cycle of the planets from their conjunction (exactitude) to a Natal position to when the planet return to its starting point. The cyclic movement of the planets in charts indicate various Times (or periods) in astrology.

    Once we arrive on this earth, we land on a particular phase or portion of a planetary cycle and as we progress in our lives, we move along this cyclic path.

    It seems trivial and we take the ebb and flow of life for granted; however a greater understanding is necessary to better utilise various phases of planetary cycles.

    Ancient astrologers, our ancestors, did not have access to computers and atomic clocks to predict the future and used simple rudimentary techniques to calculate the position of the planets and their cycles. Over the years the simplicity of the astrology has been lost in unnecessary complexity and perhaps it is an apt time for it to be re-discovered.

  • Solar Flares and Astrology

    Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy that occur on the Sun. Flares and solar eruptions cause release a large burst of electromagnetic pulse can impact radio communications, electric power grids, and navigation signals and pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts.

    The Solar Flares which occur with approximate repetitions cycles of 11 years, seem to coincide with much of the upheavals and changes on the earth.

    The gravitation force emanating from these Solar Flare bring about revolutions, changes in financial markets, unpredictable weather patterns etc. Although the repetition of the Solar Flares is somewhat difficult to predict, nevertheless, once they are detected, they have a tremendous effect on our planet and on the world events.

    In Mundane Astrology, the astrology of Countries and Nations, Solar Flares seem to bring about major changes to the identity of the country that is affecting. My research will be looking at the occurrence of these Solar Flares and how it corresponds with earthly events.

    Solar Flares also affect Natal Charts: In Natal Charts, depending on other aspects, the Sun’s power intensifies. As part om research I will also be looking at the influence of Solar Flares on Natal Charts.

  • Super-Positioning of Energies

    An astrologer has many tools in his/her toolbox to predict the future, these may include transits and secondary progressions etc. However away from these techniques, there is randomness in the chart that seems to be unexplainable with a conventional approach.

    During certain planetary cycles and at certain positions (degrees), the chart comes alive and the person feels great injection of energy followed by unexpected positive changes in their lives. Conversely at certain degrees the person may feel completely out of energy.

    I call these ‘Resonant’ points and in my research I will be looking at various factors and confluences of energies that could explain and point to these ‘Resonant’ points in the chart.

  • House Systems

    Currently there are over 10 types of Astrological House System in use. These Astrological House Systems are, in order of popularity:

    1-    Placidus
    2-    Koch
    3-    Campanus
    4-    Regiomontanus
    5-    Porphyry
    6-    Topocentric
    7-    Equal House
    8-    Alcabitius
    9-    Horizon Houses
    10- Morinus
    11- Whole House
    12- Sripati

    Essentially to calculate the House Divisions, the space between the Horizon/Ascendant (ASC) and the Mid-heaven (MC) are portioned. Two popular methods used widely consist of either a distance based or a time based division. In the distance-based method, the space between the ASC and MC are divided into three parts, whilst in the time-based method, the time taken for sun to travel from ASC to MC are divided into three segments. In both methods once the positions of these segments are calculated the positions of the remaining House Cusps are determined.

    Which House Division is the best? This is an ongoing question and the subject of hot debate amongst some astrologers. There is no unanimous opinion among astrologers about this for example a particular House Division has become established over time, while others have been forgotten or have become unfashionable. It all depends on the applicability of a particular House Division for a particular scenario.

    Most systems are mathematically sound and align themselves to the division of the sky between the horizon and the mid-heaven at the time of birth or an event, at a particular location.

    Some astrologers, having used a particular House Division for many years, are confident of its usefulness and accuracy. Whilst some type of House Divisions have been rejected by astrologers, purely due to the initial concept or fundamental assumptions of the calculations.

    In my research I will be looking at distance-based and time-based House Divisions. The aim is to determine their usefulness and their accuracy in Natal and Prediction Astrology.