• Chronos Astrology

    The kind of Astrology that I offer is very much based on identifying the phases of life that you are going through.

  • Chronos Astrology Blog

    A Grand Celestial Event 3rd June 2024

    I would like to talk to you about a Grand Celestial event that will be happening on 3rd June 2024. In the early morning, six planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will align in the sky. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be spotted with the naked eye, but you'll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus. This unique event will be visible around the world however if you are in the UK or in Europe you can view the consolation of planets at sunrise. Saturn will be in the constellation Aquarius. Neptune will be located in the nearby [...]

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    Astrology of a Group of Healers:

    Common Themes and Energy Flows In this article I will attempt to illustrate commonalities and energies that resonate within individuals and how they bind together through these aspects. Have you ever wondered how is it that some people have a close bond of friendship and stay together for a long time? What qualities make them friends for life? What is common amongst them?  Well, astrology may be able to help and shine a light on how close friendship groups ‘operate’! I was very fortunate to meet a lovely group of ladies by chance in London, at the Astrology Shop no [...]

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    What to expect when visiting an Astrologer for a Consultation

    The path or events that have prompted you to visit an astrologer is not a pure coincidence. This means that you are searching for an answer that is hidden, or is over the horizon beyond your view. For a general reading the astrologer will first prepare a Natal Chart and assess influences of various planets transiting around the chart. Firstly I will ask for your date of birth, place or city of birth and accurate time of birth. This will allow me to prepare a Natal Chart. A Natal Chart is your unique birth chart which no two people share. The Natal Chart is a snapshot of the sky and [...]

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