Common Themes and Energy Flows
In this article I will attempt to illustrate commonalities and energies that resonate within individuals and how they bind together through these aspects.
Have you ever wondered how is it that some people have a close bond of friendship and stay together for a long time? What qualities make them friends for life? What is common amongst them? Well, astrology may be able to help and shine a light on how close friendship groups ‘operate’!
I was very fortunate to meet a lovely group of ladies by chance in London, at the Astrology Shop no less! These ladies, as I got to know them later, were all practising and experts in different kinds of healing arts. This lovely group of ladies, all 8 of them had been friends for a long time and as I discovered there was a very strong friendship bond between them.
In general, in close friendship groups, there is always a common bond between friends and this bond could be based on
- Cultural background
- Common language
- Life experience
- A particular life style
- A particular topic of interest
Furthermore, for friends to be comfortable with each other and feel the strong bond, they must feel safe with each other to be able to express their deep emotions and moreover individuals must feel validated for their self values and what drives them forward in life.
I prepared their Natal charts and provided one-to-one astrology readings. As I was preparing and discussing the charts I noticed a common theme in all their charts. Although they were all born in different dates, locations and have different backgrounds, this strong bond of friendship was very prominent. I was intrigued!
I was looking for a common theme, a common aspect or common energies between Suns, Moons, Neptunes or other planets in 12th or 6th houses or any other significant pattern. At first pass it was obvious that there was no common pattern between the Suns or the Moons nor was there any common pattern in the houses that the Sun or Moon occupied.
With the astrology toolbox at my disposal, I began analysing their charts further, and I wasn’t disappointed. Before long a few aspects just jumped out of the charts. The common theme amongst all 8 charts was the strong aspect between the Uranus and Chiron that ran through all the charts (see following Figure 1). This strong aspect appeared in different houses and signs; however the strength of the aspect revealed the quality that created this strong bond amongst these ladies. Just like a tuning fork, the flow of energies between the Uranus and Chiron resonated between them.
Figure 1 Uranus opposite Chiron theme running through all the charts
So let’s analyse what this particular aspect means: if we take the textbook explanation this is conflict of energies. However further analysis reveals that this has had a beneficial effect in their lives: Uranus brings about sudden dramatic changes, breaking old outdated themes and bringing new ideas; uniqueness and individualism. Where Uranus touches it turns the life upside down and reveals a new way of life. Sometimes these changes are difficult to cope with and in some cases they are a welcome relief from a stifled situation.
However these individuals intrinsically have these Uranian energies at their disposal and it was granted to them at the moment of birth, therefore it is safe to say that these strong revolutionary, independence and freedom-seeking energies are very much at their disposal!
And now on to to Chiron the Wounded Healer. All these individuals have had some kind of trauma or conflict that has imprinted in their souls and these ranges from personal difficulties or other family issues. Chiron also points to healing powers that we posses as a result of deep spiritual wounds that we have suffered. And these experiences need not have happened in this life time and could have been brought forward from past life experience as a latent memory or latent experience.
The energy flow between the Uranus and Chiron, has brought forward the latent experiences of the Chiron and somehow kicked the door open for the latent energies of the Chiron to be spilled into a tangible practical experience. With Chiron’s placing we must first encounter feeling of low self esteem and feeling of inadequacy.
The strong flow of energy from Uranus extracts the healing powers of these individuals and gives them self confidence to practice their healing arts.
A further pattern was emerging and this was between the Neptunes in all the charts. All Neptunes lined up in close conjunction from the earliest to the latest. Neptune in charts could signify healing energies. All Neptunes were in ‘flowing’ conjunctions with each other, mostly in Scorpio as if the energy of one Neptune flowed down from one person to another (see following Figure 2). And this is significant as friends are able to share different parts of their healing experiences and talents with each other. Moreover as the Neptunes are slightly further apart from each other (still in orb of conjunction) their healing experiences do not stifle each other’s energies.
Figure 2 Flow of Energy between the Neptunes
In conclusion, the Uranus opposition to Chiron in the charts of these lovely ladies has enabled them to draw out the healing energies of the Chiron and manifest them into a healing art. This flow of energies between the Uranus and Chiron has been the resonance that they feel between themselves.