• I would like to talk to you about a Grand Celestial event that will be happening on 3rd June 2024.

    In the early morning, six planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will align in the sky. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be spotted with the naked eye, but you’ll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus. This unique event will be visible around the world however if you are in the UK or in Europe you can view the consolation of planets at sunrise.

    Saturn will be in the constellation Aquarius. Neptune will be located in the nearby constellation Pisces. Planet Mars will be rising little later and will be Pisces, and visible with the naked eye.

    Following Mars at dawn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mercury will appear on the eastern horizon. Jupiter will be bright enough to see with the naked eye, and with a little luck, you’ll be able to see Mercury without optics, too. However, it will be harder as Mercury is located close to the Sun. Uranus will only be visible through binoculars. The three planets will be located in the constellation Taurus. See following Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Celestial Event on 3rd June 2024 at 5 am over London, UK

    Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be spotted with the naked eye, but you’ll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus.

    Astronomically speaking this is a rare event where many planets line up so closely with each other and are visible to the naked eye.

    Astrologically speaking, 3rd June is also a rare and significant event as we have a number of planets in auspicious angles with each other allowing easy flow of energies between them.

    Let’s look at the strongest flow of energies in the chart, see Figure 2

    Jupiter is in a Trine with Pluto, and it is separating from it; and as it is separating, it draws the energy of Pluto with it into sign of Gemini.

    Jupiter is also Sextile to Neptune, and it is separating; whilst it is separating, it draws the energy of Neptune into Gemini.

    Mercury is in close conjunction with Jupiter and as it approached Jupiter it enforces its energies onto Jupiter.

    Sun and Venus are both conjunct and are in Gemini. Venus as it is approaching the Sun, it enforces it energies onto Sun in Gemini.It is worth noting that Sun and Venus are in Superior Conjunction (June 4th exactitude) which occurs every8 years.

    Sun is also in applying square to Saturn; this is a difficult flow of energy and is drawing Saturn’s energy again into Gemini.

    The common theme that is building up here is that great amount of energy is pouring into the sign of Gemini.

    Figure 2 Distribution of planets on 3rd June 2024 at 5 am London time

    Let’s have a look at what is going on in Aeries: Further examination shows that there are three planets in that sign and Chiron, Mars and Moon are in close conjunction with each other. These small clusters of planets are in Square to Pluto and are moving away from Pluto. The separating square away from Pluto is indicating a difficult situation and a forceful or energetic change of direction.

    So,what does all this mean?

    There may be deep intensification and transformation of energy coming from large group of people, the collectives or within a nation. This transformation of thoughts and ideas may be subject of great debate and publicity. The transformation may be seen as positive and there may be great optimism. This could indicate a revolution or great change of mind set in any nation’s chart. Furthermore,there may be great realisation of a concept or idealism which is going to be brought forward. Within the same flow of energy there may be a great revelation of a new humanitarian concept and thoughts which will affect the masses.

    Another aspect of these changes may be a great technological discovery in the telecommunication field that may be widely publicised. This discovery may be the culmination of efforts of large number of scientists and engineers. The news of this discovery may be very positive and may create great optimism in the future.

    There may be a great outburst of energy which may cause a change of direction, almost as if there has been a long delay and now it is time to change course and move forward with some speed. The lessons of inactivity and delay and procrastinations have been learnt and now it is time to move forward in some speed.

    Delays and blockage in expressing idealism and imagination (or even cruelty) may be softened a great kindness and generosity (Sun conjunct Venus)

    There may be great emphasis on arts, music, poetry, and literatures; a hindrance, outdated attitudes, and even conservatism in the creative arts, which had been blocked by lack of imagination or conservatism or outdatedapproach,may be softened and new artistic direction may form. A taboo / blockage in expressionism may be softened and a new creativity may begin.

    3rdJuneis a significant date as it is the start of a great cycle between Pluto and Jupiter, emphasised by the Sun-Venus Superior Conjunction.

    In summary, on June 3rd we are likely to witness great changes in the attitudes of a collective followed by a great debate and publicity. It is also likely that news of a great discovery may be announced. Chronos Astrology