Hello and Welcome to my Astrology Website.
The reason you have reached this page and reading this could be that you are searching for a tangible answer to a question, you are looking to better understand the challenges that life is sending your way or you are generally interested in Astrology! Whichever route got you here it is a pleasure to have your attention for a few minutes.
We are blend of energies: in some cases, these energies blend well and propel us forward unhindered in life whilst in other circumstances these energies cause challenges and obstacles that we have to learn to overcome.
Astrology gives you a bird’s eye view of energies that are at your disposal, your attributes, and challenges that you may face within you. Furthermore, Astrology allows you to understand the external flow of energies around you, the easy flow of energies and challenges that life brings you.
Individually we go through life’s various phases and at different times in our lives, similarly we face different challenges from each other at different times in our lives. It is safe to say that no two lives are the same and no two lives experience the same things in life.
The kind of Astrology that I offer is very much based on identifying these phases of life that you are going through.
The movement of the planets create various phases in our lives and it is during these phases where we find our life experiences and our growth. To be able to make best use of these phases of life, and to be able to understand life lessons, TIME and timing of events becomes essential.
In addition to classical chart analysis, in my blend of Astrology, I use the movement of the planets to identify:
Karen, Cambridge, UK
Anna, Athens, Greece
Shirley, Berkshire, UK